Thursday, July 23, 2009


1. The list of movies for your second Movie Review is now available on Reserve at the Undergrad Library at the Media Reserves Desk.

There is a list of about 8-10 movies of which you should choose ONE. Most of them are taped theater productions of some of the ancient Greek plays we will be reading, and a few that we will not read but are still worth watching (i.e. Medea). The ones that do not directly relate to a Greek myth/play (Vertigo, Pygmalion, Clash of the Titans) will be slightly more challenging to review, so please keep that in mind. The sections on Medea and Jason in the Metamorphoses should be enough for you to understand the taped performances of Medea if you choose to watch either of those.

Alternatively, you may choose to rent one of these on your own time from somewhere like "That's Rentertainment" on 6th and John.

3 movies I highly recommend, but are not owned by U of I, are the following:

Medea 1969 (Melina Callas, directed by Paolo Pasolini)
Antigone 1961 (Irene Papas)
Phaedra 1961 (Melina Mercouri)

These are probably the most famous adaptations of any ancient Greek tragedy and also probably the best. Unfortunately, since they were produced and directed in Greece they are not easy to find. I believe that Rentertainment does have Medea, but I'm not sure about the other 2.

2. Exam 1 is due Friday by midnight in my email inbox.
If you submit the exam in electronic form, please send it as an attachment in a WORD document, so that I can comment on them in Word and return them to you that way. If you choose to use any other program, please print out your exam and place it in my mailbox (4080 FLB) by 6pm since the building will be locked after that.

If you do not own Microsoft Office, remember that you may use any of the campus computer labs to type your exam.

Also, if you need help with writing essays, see the blog entry below that includes the Writer's Workshop information and website. I HIGHLY recommend their services to anyone who feels they need a little help. They even review dissertations and articles for PhD students and professors!

3. Reading for NEXT week:

Monday - Finish Metamorphoses (14.1170-end, All of 15)
Monday will also include an introduction to Greek Theater. If you finish Metamorphoses, get a head start on the Bacchae, which we will discuss on Tuesday.

Tuesday - Bacchae (Euripides)

Wednesday - Nietzsche's Birth of Tragedy*
I will hand this out on Monday in class. This may take a few reads to fully grasp, so don't try to read it 30 minutes before class :)

Thursday - Hippolytus

Week 8 Reading:
Monday - Antigone

Tuesday - Philoctetes

Wednesday - Hymn to Demeter*
I will hand this out in class on Monday

Thursday - Aeneid Book 1*
I will hand this out in class on Monday

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