Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Response 6 (Due Thursday)

1. I know we already took a vote in class, but give me your personal and confidential opinion on whether to have an in-class or take-home exam. I will make the decision on my own based partly on your responses.

The in-class would be Monday July 13th, or the take-home would be given to you on the 13th and due the following Monday. In-class would include a multiple choice section covering the details of the Iliad and Odyssey and a choice of 2 topics for the essay portion (you would write on 1 of them). The take-home would be all essay, with required direct quotes & citations, and would be in something more like a paper format.

2. In Book 8, why is Hephaistos angry with Aphrodite and Ares? What does he do to them? How is this relevant to the rest of the story?

3. What happens that leads King Alkinoos to ask Odysseus who he is? Why does this matter to King Alkinoos?

4. In Book 10, what other journey does Circe tell Odysseus he must make and why?

5. In the underworld, who speaks to Odysseus besides Teiresias? What do they tell him? Who is the only ghost who refuses to speak to Odysseus and why? What does Teiresias tell Odysseus to do after he kills the suitors?

6. How does Odysseus finally arrive home? What happens to the people who aided him in returning?


  1. Not related to this post, but "Planes, Trains, and Plantains" was HILARIOUS
