Thursday, July 30, 2009

Reading Material for Wednesday & Thursday


I need to spend less time copying... So for the readings for next week please use the website Perseus (Digital Classics Library of Tufts University). This is a huge database with a temperamental server, so I apologize. My suggestion is that you visit the site this weekend and copy and paste the documents you need to read into a Word file in case you have trouble accessing it later next week.

While you're there, check out the rest of the site. They have some pretty cool stuff :)


Article by Helene Foley in the Eleusinian Mysteries (Handed out in class this week)

Aeneid Book One (Virgil's Aeneid)

Response 16 (Due Wednesday)

Reading Assignment: Philoctetes, Hymn to Demeter, Foley article

1. (Short Answer) How does Sophocles characterize the 3 main roles in Philoctetes? Are their characterizations consistent with what you already knew about them? What are your opinions of them?

2. (Long Answer) Based on your understanding of Foley's article, what do we know about the Eleusinian mysteries?

3. (Long Answer) You have one day remaining in this class. Drawing on everything you've learned about the ancient Greeks and Romans, how does our modern society compare? Have we progressed? If so, how? If not, why? Have we regressed? Is there any real purpose in continuing to study their cultures? Did you find anyway to relate to the material we read? If so, which works and how? If not, what do you think made it difficult to connect to?

Response 15 (Due Monday)

Reading Assignment: Antigone (Greek Tragedies Volume 1)

Pretend you are Creon. Write a letter to the editor either justifying or apologizing for your actions (400-500 words).

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Birth of Tragedy Re-Cap Podcast

This is a zip file... I apologize. I'm having issues. Please download the file and listen to the podcast.

Birth of Tragedy

Birth of Tragedy Re-cap #2

Terms to remember:

Principium Individuationis
Thaumaturgy (Thaumazo)
Plastic v Non-plastic

Section II
"Yet there is another point about which we do not have to conjecture at all: I mean the profound gap separating the Dionysiac Greeks from the Dionysiac barbarians. Throughout the range of ancient civilization... we find evidence of Dionysiac celebrations which... the central concern of such celebrations was, almost universally, a complete sexual promiscuity overriding every form of established tribal law; all the savage urges of th emind were unleashed on those occasions until they reached that paroxysm of lust and cruelty which has always struck me as the "witches cauldron" par excellence. It would appear that the Greeks were for a while quite immune from these feverish excesses which must have reached them by every known land or sea route. What kept Greece safe was the proud imposing image of Apollo, who in holding up the head of the Gorgon to those brutal and grotesque Dionysiac forces subdued them" (91-92)

So as I say in the podcast re-cap, Nietzsche wants to emphasize that without the God Apollo, the Greeks would have worshipped Dionysus in much the same fashion as everyone else, i.e. sexual promiscuity and physical intoxication. It is specifically because of their reverence for Apollo that they refrain and create a simultaneously ordered and disordered celebration of the god, Dionysus, in the Greater and Lesser Dionysia.

Here, I want to point out that everyone should read this with a critical eye and be careful not to let this statement about the differences between Greeks and non-Greeks in the ancient world lead you to believe that the Greeks were "better" because they did not worship Dionysus like the "barbarians" did throughout the rest of the Mediterranean. Although Nietzsche has written a hugely important piece for Classicists, it can at times also be problematic because it furthers a type of prejudice called "orientalism". Recall out discussion that the Persian Wars (480 BCE) were the first events out of which came this idea of "Greek" and "Barbarian," i.e. non-Greek speaking people and specifically Persians. This is the beginning of the idea that the West is better than the East, and the beginning of the concept of "the other" and it permeates Nietzsche's explanations for why the Greeks were able to "avoid" becoming like the other barbaric worshippers of Dionysus. It seems in many ways that Nietzsche attempts to idolize the Greeks as "unique," but the birth of ancient tragedy could have just as easily come from somewhere else. Of course, currently when one speaks of "ancient theater" one immediately assumes ancient Greek theater. One cause for this is that we know more about Greece and Rome than any other ancient city or civilization. Then again, we know more about these two civilizations because academics and archaeologists consciously choose to continue to place those two ancient cultures as higher priorities than almost any other ancient culture, thus again perpetuating that the West is more important than the East. But our study of ancient Greek theater should never suggest to you that the Greeks or Romans were the first or the only to perform or that those "barbarian" Dionysian worshippers were "uncivilized" because they did not have a theater festival or that the Greeks or Romans are fundamentally "better" than any other ancient culture. Simply understand that in our modern Western culture, a direct descendent of Greek and Roman culture (thought mostly from the Roman Empire), much of what we do in theater performances has strong roots in Greek theater, without the attachment of worshipping Dionysus or any other god.

Response 14 (Due Thursday)

Reading Assignment:
The Birth of Tragedy (Wednesday), Hippolytus in Greek Tragedies Volume 1 (Thursday)

1. Why would Nietzsche bring up Archilochus?

2. In relation to the Birth of Tragedy... thinking about both theater performances and movies, what does it really mean when you see "bad acting"?

3. Do you have any remaining questions about what we read of the Birth of Tragedy?

4. Why is Aphrodite angry with Hippolytus? What is so problematic about his actions?

5. Who is Phaedra (beyond the context of the play)?

6. Who is Theseus (beyond the context of the play)?

7. Who is Hippolytus' mother and how might his parentage affect his outlook on the worship of Aphrodite or the "need" for (relationships with) the opposite sex?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Being John Malkovich

Ecstasy etc.

Hi Everyone,
Here are the links to various things related to our discussion today. I would REALLY appreciate it if you would take the time to post a comment which rates these links.

Link on Psychological term "Flow"

NY Times article on Out of Body Experiences

Modern Maenadism (Or what they claim to be modern maenadism) from the Pagan Forum (go figure, huh?).

And now for a bunch of YouTube Videos...





More info on Ancient Greek Theater

Check out Dr. J's Illustrated Lectures, specifically on Ancient Greek Theater:

Dr. Janice Siegel is a professor in Classics at Hampden-Sydney College.

Theater Image & Dionysus Image

Monday, July 27, 2009

Response 13 (Due Wednesday)

Reading Assignment: Bacchae & Birth of Tragedy*

Birth of Tragedy, by Nietzsche, was handed out today in class. Bacchae can be found in your required textbook Greek Tragedies Volume 3.

1. How does Nietzsche describe the concepts of Apollonian and Dionysian?

2. How does this distinction reflect two distinct patterns of human existence?

3. What does Nietzsche have to say about Homer and the Homeric?

4. In mortal form, why does Dionysus come to Thebes in the first place? What does he want?

5. Why must Agave suffer?


Hi Guys,

This only affects a few of you but wanted to share with all. I am encouraging ALL of you to attend the last 2 weeks of class EVERY day. There are a few of you who, for various reasons, have missed more than 4 days of class. Some of you have even missed 8 days. There are only 8 weeks (with four days each) in the Summer II session, which is 32 days total.

Those who have missed 4 days will at best receive 87 points out of 100 for attendance, and those who have missed 8 will at best receive 75 points. That's a lot to miss and a lot to try to make up in other areas of the class!

I realize it's an early class and maybe not your favorite topic, but don't waste away points that could easily boost your grade in the end. Earn a B or C because the topic was hard, not because you didn't feel like attending.

To those who have faithfully attended, I applaud you for waking up so early and please hold on for another week and a half. We're almost done!

Don't forget the Bacchae tomorrow!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Movie Review Instructions (Also in the Syllabus)

Movie Reviews:

Most of what we know about mythology today is from various pop culture sources. For this reason, I want you to choose 2 movies to watch and critique. The first movie should be either Troy or O Brother, Where Art Thou? Troy, because it is a modern version of the Trojan war and includes much of what is covered in the Iliad. O Brother, Where Art Thou? Because it is a modern version of the Odyssey. The second movie should be a modern adaptation of a Greek tragedy. I will provide a list of choices on Reserve at the Undergrad Library. It will be your responsibility to go to the library and view these movies there, or rent them to watch on your own.

In your critique, be sure to include your opinion of the movie based on it’s accuracy and creative license use. What aspects of the movie did you like? What did it do well in terms of staying true to the original source/myth? What did you not like and why? What did it not do well? Who seems to be the intended audience? What adjustments or changes were made to the original myths to render them as entertainment? Do you think the adaptation was successful or unsuccessful, and why? Use specific examples. DUE the LAST day of class. These should be typed, one-page single-spaced minimum.

These are supposed to be fun assignments, so have fun with them! Try to choose a movie from the list that you think you will enjoy so that it won't feel so much like homework :)


1. The list of movies for your second Movie Review is now available on Reserve at the Undergrad Library at the Media Reserves Desk.

There is a list of about 8-10 movies of which you should choose ONE. Most of them are taped theater productions of some of the ancient Greek plays we will be reading, and a few that we will not read but are still worth watching (i.e. Medea). The ones that do not directly relate to a Greek myth/play (Vertigo, Pygmalion, Clash of the Titans) will be slightly more challenging to review, so please keep that in mind. The sections on Medea and Jason in the Metamorphoses should be enough for you to understand the taped performances of Medea if you choose to watch either of those.

Alternatively, you may choose to rent one of these on your own time from somewhere like "That's Rentertainment" on 6th and John.

3 movies I highly recommend, but are not owned by U of I, are the following:

Medea 1969 (Melina Callas, directed by Paolo Pasolini)
Antigone 1961 (Irene Papas)
Phaedra 1961 (Melina Mercouri)

These are probably the most famous adaptations of any ancient Greek tragedy and also probably the best. Unfortunately, since they were produced and directed in Greece they are not easy to find. I believe that Rentertainment does have Medea, but I'm not sure about the other 2.

2. Exam 1 is due Friday by midnight in my email inbox.
If you submit the exam in electronic form, please send it as an attachment in a WORD document, so that I can comment on them in Word and return them to you that way. If you choose to use any other program, please print out your exam and place it in my mailbox (4080 FLB) by 6pm since the building will be locked after that.

If you do not own Microsoft Office, remember that you may use any of the campus computer labs to type your exam.

Also, if you need help with writing essays, see the blog entry below that includes the Writer's Workshop information and website. I HIGHLY recommend their services to anyone who feels they need a little help. They even review dissertations and articles for PhD students and professors!

3. Reading for NEXT week:

Monday - Finish Metamorphoses (14.1170-end, All of 15)
Monday will also include an introduction to Greek Theater. If you finish Metamorphoses, get a head start on the Bacchae, which we will discuss on Tuesday.

Tuesday - Bacchae (Euripides)

Wednesday - Nietzsche's Birth of Tragedy*
I will hand this out on Monday in class. This may take a few reads to fully grasp, so don't try to read it 30 minutes before class :)

Thursday - Hippolytus

Week 8 Reading:
Monday - Antigone

Tuesday - Philoctetes

Wednesday - Hymn to Demeter*
I will hand this out in class on Monday

Thursday - Aeneid Book 1*
I will hand this out in class on Monday

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Spurlock Museum Visit TOMORROW

Meet in class at 8:30 G30 FLB

We will walk over together at 8:50 because it's very close.

Make sure you're on time since we will actually be discussing things for the first 20 minutes!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Response 12 (Due Wednesday)

Reading Assignment: Metamorphoses Books 7-10 (try to make it all the way through 12)

1. Any remaining questions from Books 1-6?

2. What do you think was the purpose of the myths about Arachne and Niobe?

3. 8.208-363 (Minos & Ariadne, Daedalus & Icarus, Daedalus & Perdix): Any questions here? What happens to Ariadne after Theseus takes her away from Crete? Who does Theseus actually end up marrying (if you remember from the first half of the art history presentation & discussion on Crete)?

4. What is the Greek word for Partridge and the story behind the name? (8.328-363)

5. 8.363-782: Who draws first blood of the Calydonian Boar? How does Meleager treat Atalanta once the boar is dead? Who objects and why? So, is Meleager a hero despite killing his uncles?

6. What is Althaea's hesitation in burning the wood? What is meant by "The sister, nonetheless, began to win, and so that blood might pacify the shades of her own blood, her brothers, she resolves to do a pious deed, impiously" (8.673-676)

7. Book 9.1-140: What are the three forms of Achelous?

8. Book 9.140-405: How does Nessus trick Deianira?

9. Book 10.1-122: Why does Orpheus visit the Underworld? What conditions is he given? Is his quest successful?

10. What songs does Orpheus sing in book 10?

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Response 11 (Due Monday)

1. Describe Ovid's narration of creation. Alternatively, draw/collage a picture of his description of the world in the first creation story.

2. Explain who makes Apollo fall in love with Daphne and why.

3. Do you remember why the story of Europa and Jove's affair is significant?

4. What argument does Tiresias settle for Juno and Jove? Why would they ask him instead of someone else?

5. What happens after Perseus kills Medusa?

Friday, July 17, 2009

Extra Credit

I've had several people ask about extra credit opportunities for various reasons. While I don't generally believe in extra credit, I did think of an idea that I would deem worthy of extra credit. So, I will give you 10 points of extra credit if you can memorize the first 10 lines of either the Iliad, Odyssey, Metamorphoses, or the Aeneid (in english of course). You must perform the lines in class by the last day of the semester.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Exam 1 Clarifications & Museum Write Up

I hope you all enjoyed the tour today!

To clarify Part 2 of your midterm...
I DO want you to search for information on the authors of your respective articles. However, most of them are professors and should have information available at their respective institutions. I don't really see a need for citing that information, so you don't need a works cited page for just that information. 

I DON'T really want you to spend time looking for responses to your articles unless you just really like the article that much. The main point of the article is to expose you to secondary material and have you respond with your own critique. However, IF you do use other sources to do that THEN I DO expect a works cited page. Same goes for Part 1, if you use outside sources (other than the Iliad and Odyssey) then you need a works cited page. Even if you are only citing the introduction of the Lattimore translations. If you are still confused, please ask me in class or via email for further clarification. I'm sorry if I initially gave contradictory directions!

Also, if you need any help with writing or citing things, the Writer's Workshop is really helpful!
Here's their webpage...

Field Trip Write-ups:

For the two class field trips to the campus museums you will need to submit a one-page typed write-up on the following Monday. LATE PENALTY ½ point. This should include the following:

1.     2 objects of interest

a.     label (title, number, date)

b.     brief description

c.     why it caught your eye

2.     Your observations on the set-up of the display. WHAT is highlighted and WHY? How are the objects lit? What do you think the museum wants you to learn from the exhibit? What does the museum seem to think is the most important? Do you think the antiquities exhibit as a whole gives you a good understanding of ancient Greek life?

3.     Your overall opinion of the museum. Had you ever been before? Would you ever go again? Why or Why not?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Roman Names of Greek Gods in Metamorphoses

Jove/Jupiter = Zeus
Juno = Hera
Minerva = Athena
Ceres = Demeter
Neptune = Poseidon
Diana = Artemis
Venus = Aphrodite
Vulcan = Hephaistos
Mars = Ares
Liber = Dionysus
Hercules = Heracles
Dis = Hades
Proserpina = Persephone (Goddess of the Underworld)

Apollo remains the same

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Exam 1 & Theogony

Exam 1 was passed out in class today. I will bring it again tomorrow and Thursday.

Exam 1 is due Friday July 24th either by email or in my mailbox in 4080 FLB.

1. Purpose of Myth

Morford & Lenardon's definition:
A classical myth is a story that, through its classical form, has attained a kind of immortality because its inherent archetypal beauty, profundity, and power have inspired rewarding renewal and transformation by successive generations

Family Tree of Gods:

List of Major Gods from the Theogony
Ouranos, Gaia (Primordial)
Tartarus, Xaos, Aether, Hemera, Erebus, Nyx, Zephyrus
Kronos, Rhea (Titans)
Atlas, Oceanus, Themis, Tethys, Hyperion, Theia, Coeus, Phoebe, Crius, Iapetus, Prmoetheus, Helios
Zeus, Hera (Olympian)
Apollo, Aphrodite, Ares, Hephaistos, Artemis, Athena, Demeter, Hades, Dionysus, Hermes, Hestia, Poseidon
2. Anthropomorphism
Human-like form
Examples shown were of Zeus in human form.

3. Theogony
Theo = God
Gonos, Gen, Gon = birth, creation
Theogony - creation of god (zeus)

4. There are 5 Basic myths in Comparative Myth
Descent to Underworld

5. Parallels in Near Eastern Mythology
1. No intelligent creator
2. Order comes out of disorder (like coming out of Chaos)
3. Myths also involve succession stories, flood, the survival and re-creation of humankind
4. Best Known Parallel is the Theogony and the Enuma Elish (Epic of Creation)

6. Names to know in the Enuma Elish

7. Names to know in the Kumarbi Myth

8. Ziggurats

Monday, July 13, 2009

Response 10 (Due Thursday)

1. What similarities do you find between the creation myths of Hesiod and Ovid?

2. What about between Hesiod and Genesis?

3. Why do you think there are so many similarities in these myths? What might account for the similarities given the dates appropriated to each work?

4. How's life so far? We're just over half way through the summer semester... are you enjoying this, hating this, nonplussed? Suggestions for the course for the rest of the summer?

Response 9 (Due Tuesday)

Reading Assignment: Theogony, Enuma Elis, Kumarbi Myth

1. Long Answer
What parallels do you see between the Enuma Elis, Theogony, and Kumarbi myths?

2. Short Answer
Do you have any remaining questions regarding the Theogony that I have not yet covered?

3. How does Hesiod describe the River Styx? What function does she serve?

4. How does Hesiod explain the births of Aphrodite and Athena? Why do you think he has Aphrodite born from the genitals of Uranus and Athena born from the head of Zeus?

Krannert Art Museum Thursday 7/13

Krannert Art Museum

Tour of Antiquities Gallery

When: Thursday 7/13/09 ... 8:40-9:30
Where: Krannert Art Museum (500 East Peabody Drive)

Please plan to meet at Krannert Art Museum (Peabody Entrance) at 8:30 am.

If you don't know where the museum is...
It's on the corner of 6th and Peabody on the South side of BIF, on the West side of 6th Street across from the Education building, and on the North side of Peabody across from the Law building. Peabody is the same street that IMPE/ARC is on. If this still doesn't make sense, either google map it or look at the campus map on the main Illinois web page.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Art History

Check out the following website for a better idea of ancient Art History. It's mostly just images, but it will help you get an idea of what characteristics define each time period.

Reading Schedule For the Week of July 13 & July 20

Please note the changes from the original Syllabus for this week and next week.

July 13
: Hesiod's Theogony*

July 14: Enuma Elis (Epic of Creation)*, Kumarbi Myth*

July 15: Genesis Ch. 1 & 2, 6-9*, Hesiod's Works & Days*

July 16: Metamorphoses Book 1 (ALL)
!!Visit Krannert Art Museum!!

*Packets of copied materials were handed out on Wednesday and Thursday of last week.

July 20: Metamorphoses Books 2, 3, 4, 5
Book 2: 2.1-453, 2.549-739, 2.1143-1204
Book 3: 3.1-12, 3.161-453
Book 4: 4.228-372, 4.828-1094
Book 5: ALL

July 21: Metamorphoses Books 6, 7, 8, 9
Book 6: 6.1-545
Book 7: 7.1-648
Book 8: 8.208-782, 8.863-1021
Book 9: 9.1-405

July 22: Metamorphoses Books 10, 11, 12
Book 10: ALL
Book 11: 11.1-376
Book 12: 12.1-57, 12.313-786, 12.846-919

July 23: Metamorphoses Books 13, (14,) 15
!!Visit Spurlock Museum!!
Book 13: 13.1-835
Book 15: 15.1099-1112

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Recap for Today & Response 8

Unless you want to watch Troy with Carlos...

1. I promise I will post notes from today, since I realize that a lot of what I said was maybe too much to remember without an outline. It may take a little while, but I'll try to post it by tomorrow.

2. Monday will include your participation assignment that we didn't get to... fictional odysseys... and an introduction to Ancient Greek Creation Myths, beginning with the Theogony.

3. Please read Hesiod's Theogony (handout from class) for Monday. I also gave you family trees of the gods to help you make sense of the Theogony.

Response 8
(Due by Monday in class)

You have 2 options:
1. Draw/Paint/Sculpt/Collage/Digital Media/Photograph of your favorite scene from the Odyssey. This MUST be created by YOU. I'm not judging creative ability, so don't be embarrassed. Have fun with it, but do make an effort :)

2. Answer the following questions:
A. Long Answer: Is Odysseus a Hero? Justify your answer with specific examples.

B. What purpose do you see in all of the omens throughout Books 17-24? If you recall, most of the omens I've mentioned have come up only in the last few days... There are TONS of them, so I don't expect you to list all of them, but pick 3-4 and think about why the poet, Homer, would insert so many of them in Books 17-24.

C. Who kills Ktesippos? Why?

D. Who is the male servant who is NOT faithful to Odysseus? What happens to him as punishment?

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Response 7 (Due Tuesday July 7)

Reading Assignment: Odyssey Bk 14, 15, 16, 17, (18), 19

1. LONG ANSWER: Explain in detail, using your handout on Xenia in the Odyssey, the interaction between Eumaios and Odysseus in Book 14. Break down their interactions into the steps listed and note which ones you either can't figure out or do not seem to be followed. Make sure to cite line numbers for specific references.

2. Short Answer: How did Eumaios come to the land of Ithaca?

3. Short Answer: How does Eurykleia recognize Odysseus? What is the story behind this? Why does Odysseus choke Eurykleia?

4. Short Answer: What is Penelope's dream and what was the interpretation?

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Museum Visits

THURSDAY 7/16/09
8:40-9:30 am
Krannert Art Museum

Meet at normal classroom ON time (or if you're going to be late just meet us there).

THURSDAY 7/23/09
9-10:00 am
Spurlock Museum

Meet at normal classroom at 8:40 am. We will end at 9:50 to allow time for those who have class at 10. The Museum does not open until 9 am, otherwise I would have made it earlier.

Please note the times and mark your calendars or iPhones, etc. The tour and 1-page write for each museum are required assignments. Directions for the write-ups are on the syllabus but I will cover them prior to the tour as well.

Grade Updates

Make sure to check your email today. I sent out grade updates that include everything through today's class and assignments.

A lot of people are missing assignments. Remember that you can still turn those in, with a minor late penalty.

Have a good weekend!

Comments on Response 6 & Exam 1

Regarding the Exam:
Exam 1 will be a take home exam, given to you in class on Monday, July 13, and due the following Monday, July 20. This means you must be present in class to get the exam, unless you have made prior arrangements with me. We can discuss the exam in class next week, but I wanted to give everyone a heads-up.

Regarding Response 6:

Similar Names Not to be Confused:
Antinoos = "Leader" of the suitors along with Eurymachos

Alkinoos = King of the Phaiacians, where Odysseus tells the story of his 10 year journey home.

Odysseus = main character of the Odyssey, son of Laertes

Oedipus = main character of the play, Oedipus Rex. King of Thebes who accidentally and unknowingly kills his father, falls in love with his mother & marries her.

Sirens = half-women/half-bird, also sometimes portrayed as mermaids, who have the most beautiful voices. They sing to the sailors to lure them into crashing their boats on the rocky shoreline. Also known to have men so enchanted by their singing that they sit and listen until their flesh rots off of the bone.

Skylla = six-headed sea monster which dwells across from Charybdis, the whirlpool. Odysseus is told to steer towards Skylla so that he only loses 6 men instead of the entire ship and crew.

1. Also, many seemed to miss the purpose served by the story of Aphrodite and Ares' affair. Recall how much we've been discussing fidelity and that Aphrodite is the wife of Hephaistos (which you may not have known) and you can see how this might be another warning to Odysseus about blindly trusting his wife, Penelope. Generally, just another warning regarding infidelity and it's consequences.

2. In regards to King Alkinoos & Odysseus' identity... Many picked up on the "Exchange of Information" within the context of Xenia. However, most seemed to have forgotten the prophecy about the Phaiacians, which concerns Alkinoos. He is pretty sure, and worried, that Odysseus is the stranger whom the Phaiacians will convey and consequently incur the wrath of Poseidon upon them. This, of course, would be bad since the prophecy also mentions that Poseidon, in his wrath, would turn the ship to stone and cover the city with a mountain.

3. Most everyone mentioned that Odysseus sees Elpenor, his mother, various Queens and Princesses, Teiresias, Agamemnon, Achilles, and Ajax. It was great if you also mentioned people like Tityos, Tantalus, and Sisyphos, though I didn't take points off for that if you missed it. Most remembered to mention what Elpenor says, as well as Antikleia, Agamemnon, and Achilles. But a lot of you forgot to mention the instructions Teiresias gives to Odysseus regarding what to do after he has killed the suitors. Also, I was looking for a little more detail than "to travel to a primitive land and make a sacrifice to Poseidon" simply because the instructions are quite detailed. I also asked this question in hopes that you would think about the purpose this other voyage would serve in assuaging Poseidon's anger.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Response 6 (Due Thursday)

1. I know we already took a vote in class, but give me your personal and confidential opinion on whether to have an in-class or take-home exam. I will make the decision on my own based partly on your responses.

The in-class would be Monday July 13th, or the take-home would be given to you on the 13th and due the following Monday. In-class would include a multiple choice section covering the details of the Iliad and Odyssey and a choice of 2 topics for the essay portion (you would write on 1 of them). The take-home would be all essay, with required direct quotes & citations, and would be in something more like a paper format.

2. In Book 8, why is Hephaistos angry with Aphrodite and Ares? What does he do to them? How is this relevant to the rest of the story?

3. What happens that leads King Alkinoos to ask Odysseus who he is? Why does this matter to King Alkinoos?

4. In Book 10, what other journey does Circe tell Odysseus he must make and why?

5. In the underworld, who speaks to Odysseus besides Teiresias? What do they tell him? Who is the only ghost who refuses to speak to Odysseus and why? What does Teiresias tell Odysseus to do after he kills the suitors?

6. How does Odysseus finally arrive home? What happens to the people who aided him in returning?