Thursday, July 16, 2009

Exam 1 Clarifications & Museum Write Up

I hope you all enjoyed the tour today!

To clarify Part 2 of your midterm...
I DO want you to search for information on the authors of your respective articles. However, most of them are professors and should have information available at their respective institutions. I don't really see a need for citing that information, so you don't need a works cited page for just that information. 

I DON'T really want you to spend time looking for responses to your articles unless you just really like the article that much. The main point of the article is to expose you to secondary material and have you respond with your own critique. However, IF you do use other sources to do that THEN I DO expect a works cited page. Same goes for Part 1, if you use outside sources (other than the Iliad and Odyssey) then you need a works cited page. Even if you are only citing the introduction of the Lattimore translations. If you are still confused, please ask me in class or via email for further clarification. I'm sorry if I initially gave contradictory directions!

Also, if you need any help with writing or citing things, the Writer's Workshop is really helpful!
Here's their webpage...

Field Trip Write-ups:

For the two class field trips to the campus museums you will need to submit a one-page typed write-up on the following Monday. LATE PENALTY ½ point. This should include the following:

1.     2 objects of interest

a.     label (title, number, date)

b.     brief description

c.     why it caught your eye

2.     Your observations on the set-up of the display. WHAT is highlighted and WHY? How are the objects lit? What do you think the museum wants you to learn from the exhibit? What does the museum seem to think is the most important? Do you think the antiquities exhibit as a whole gives you a good understanding of ancient Greek life?

3.     Your overall opinion of the museum. Had you ever been before? Would you ever go again? Why or Why not?

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