Monday, June 22, 2009

Reading Response 4 & Following

For this week you have left to read Iliad 19-24, Agamemnon, and the Harrington article. I'll post notes today to help you through the rest of this week. As you start writing the 4th reading response, make sure you're actually engaging the reading material in your responses. Most of you are doing just fine but I figured everyone could use the reminder. So, if it says "use direct quotes to support your discussion," make sure to do so.

This week's questions:

(Short Answer)
1. Now that you've finished the Iliad, what are your ending opinions/thoughts?

(Short Answer)
2. What purpose do you see in reading the Iliad, if any, beyond a simple requirement for a college course? I mean, does it have any relevance to the modern world?

(Long Answer)
3. How would you describe a "Homeric Hero"? Give some specific examples to support your explanation.

(Long Answer)
4. In the play, Agamemnon, we see what happens to King Agamemnon upon his return home to Mycenae after the sack of Troy. Based on what we already know about Agamemnon and the events preceding the Trojan War, do you think Clytamnestra is justified in her actions? Why or why not? Use specific examples & direct quotes to support your discussion.

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