Monday, June 22, 2009

Iliad Books 19-24

Book 19:
Achilles gets his new armor... 5-15

Achilles & Agamemnon are reconciled

Briseis speaks... 287-300
Briseis claims that she was "engaged" to Achilles. Proof that she's not actually his wife!!

Neoptolemos... 326-327
Achilles son. Neoptolemos is the one who actually kills King Priam. This story is also found in the Aeneid and NOT in the Iliad. Don't be confused by the movie Troy, in which Menelaos kills Priam, because it's wrong.

Achilles Arming scene... 367-399
Compare to arming scene of Patroklos and Hera

Xanthos (Achilles' horse) speaks... 400-424
Hera allowed Xanthos to speak. So, Xanthos prophesies Achilles' death.
Achilles RAGE elevates to a divine level, thus he speaks with Xanthos without noticing that his horse actually spoke to him.

Book 20:
Zeus assembles the Gods... 13-40
a. Gods return to battle because of Achilles' unfair advantage

Achilles reappears... 42
Apollo urges Aineas (Aeneas) to fight Achilles...86
FLYTING between Achilles and Aineas... 156-258
Poseidon must choose whether to save Aineas... 310
a. What do we already know about Aineas' fate? (i.e. Virgil's Aeneid)
b. How does he escape death at the hands of Achilles?

Achilles kills Hektor's brother, Polydoros... 419

First Interaction between Achilles and Hektor... 365

Apollo saves Hektor... 440
a. Achilles rushes the mist 3 times and fails, 4th time he breaks into it but isn't able to harm Hektor

Achilles kills a lot of people... 455-500

Book 21:
Lykaon... 35

River Skamander (a.k.a. Xanthos River)... 214
a. Gets mad at Achilles because of the number of corpses in the river.
b. Tries to drown Achilles
c. Achilles says WTF... 275
d. Hephaistos sends an "inhuman fire" to fight the river
-- Fire vs. Water battle = ELEVATED POETRY
-- 365-512 Arguments & fighting between Gods

Agenor (Trojan) fights Achilles... 544

Apollo saves Agenor in a "mist". Achilles chases them... 595

Book 22:
Achilles & Apollo interact. Apollo tells Achilles to back off... 5-20

Priam sees Achilles & begs Hektor not to fight him... 25-76
Hecabe/Hecuba also begs Hektor not to fight... 77-89
Hektor's internal debate... 90

Hektor sees Achilles & flees. Achilles chases him 3 times... 135
Gods look down & debate over who should win... 165
Hektor tries to bargain with Achilles but does not succeed... 255

Achilles kills Hektor... 325-360
Hektor begs not to be fed to the dogs... 338
Achilles strips Hektor of his armor & Achaians stab his corpse
Achilles drags Hektor's body... 395

Andromache learns of Hektor's death and mourns... 437
Andromache mourns & bemoans the future of Astyanax (son)... 485

Book 23:
Funeral preparations & pyre for Patroklos
-- a pyre is a structure on which you place a body in order to burn it (i.e. ancient cremation)
Funeral Games for Patroklos (in his honor)

Book 24:
Thetis & Achilles... 133
Priam finds Achilles in the Achaian camp... 468

Priam's Speech to Achilles... 485
Achilles lets go of his anger... 512-516

Achilles speaks to Priam... 560-570
Achilles helps Priam get Hektor's body ready to carry back to Troy... 590
Achilles calls out to Patroklos not to be angry... 592

Kassandra is first to see her father, Priam, carrying Hektor's body... 699

Hektor's funeral & end of the Iliad... 778

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